The first cohort of our program is called OpenPrinciples Fellowship, it was a 6-week Fellowship from January to March 2022 where 30 fellows from 11 countries participated in 18 hours of training, and a 3-week Bootcamp from October 1st to October 23rd 2022 where 8 members from 4 countries participated in 9 hours of training. 70% of fellows have submitted peer-reviewed principles to the database and participants reported being 44% more principled on average, from 11 participants who submitted the final survey.
This is a creative and useful way for people to educate themselves to use their abilities and live better, more positive lives. It is also helpful for creating strategies to apply the learnings. Even at this very early stage, I have found it has a wonderful ability to introduce me to principles from extremely wise, practical and impactful people.
Chris Watkins
Founder, Appropedia Foundation (knowledge sharing for sustainability and resilience)
Master of Engineering Science
The OpenPrinciples Fellowship is an excellent way to develop and further your underlying principles and live a purposeful and full life. There is high value in networking and meeting other members of the OpenPrinciples community!
Cameron King
Operations Lead and Co-Founder, Animal Advocacy Africa
Head of Operations, Credence Institute (advocacy, publishing and research for animals)
After months of intentional consumption of books, articles, and podcasts, learning about principles for the first time has been the missing piece to tie them all together. The fellowship introduced me to an 8-step Notion system to ensure I put them into action while having a community to stay accountable to in finding and discussing new principles.
Gwendolyn Ang
Co-Founder, Effective Altruism Taft (university chapter in Manila)
Former HR Director, Archers Consulting Group
Photos of some fellows: