<aside> 💡 This passion side project is made with ❤️ by a few busy friends. Join us by messaging the main project developers @Ti Guo or @shivani khandelwal. We are looking for nutrition experts, cooking enthusiasts, and selfless experimenters to help try and improve our wildest recipes 🙏.

Latest V18 Cooking Recipe:


Photos of our Meal Prep History


Project goals & outcome

Project highlights

Quick start

  1. Get your own Most Healthy Burrito Bowl Meal Prep
    1. Find our Meal Prep Ingredients List
      1. See the complete ingredient list: V12 The world’s healthiest Meal Burrito Bowl For Busy People
      2. Or you can pick ingredients to buy from our Amazon shopping list, Instacart shopping list Walmart version, Instacart shopping list food basics version, Instacart shopping list Costco version
    2. Find our meal’s nutrition facts: https://www.myfitnesspal.com/recipe/edit_v2/62268099095997
    3. Cook your meal following the protocol below
      1. First, wash and cook black lentils in Instant pod, or skip this step if you can find black lentils cans
      2. Second, cut and wash and quickly boil vegetable
      3. Third, place all the items in the food containers
  2. Build your own shopping cart with AI:
  3. Find other great ingredient lists to get inspiration from

Our lessons & principles learned for making better meal prep

  1. How to make your current meal prep healthier
    1. Replace Rice with Black Lentil or Cauliflower Rice
    2. Replace regular tofu with extra firm tofu
  2. Principles and tips to make the meal fast
    1. Get cooked beans in cans to save time from cooking, make sure buy the ones with no EDTA in the ingredient list
    2. Buy prep-cut pre-washed vegetables to save time
    3. Buy sauce (like guacamole and hummus) and nuts in cup-sized snack packs and each only during food time
    4. Setup auto-orders on Instacart and Amazon
    5. Share this list with your friends and roommates and convince them to take turns to cook with you —> that is one of the reason we made this guide for ourselves
  3. Principles and tips to make the meal last longer
    1. Get containers with 2 sections, one section for hot food and one for cold
    2. Dont put in Guacamole until the last day



Shopping List Stacks

Diet Combos

Diet Combos


Research Meetings & Research Notes