<aside> 💡 🎬 Getting Started:

  1. Skim through this page to understand which topic you like to be coached by me
  2. Book a 15-minute free intro call with me and state your needs: https://cal.com/ti-guo/intro
  3. We will decide together at that call to see if we like to work together

💰 Pricing: → Model 1: I Coach You, or Your Group - You decide the price based on the amount you can afford, and how much value you got converted to US dollars. If you feel that I wasted your time in a session, then you can pay $0. - The recommended minimum payment is USD 50$/Hour. → Model 2: We Coach Each Other - If you see some topics that you can coach me with, love to discuss them! - We will discuss the price case by case. I may end up paying you to coach me.


Topics I may be able to coach you with: